Instytut Socjologii będzie uczestniczyć w budowaniu międzynarodowej sieci badawczej w ramach programu NAWA

IS będzie współpracować z Instytutem Studiów Społecznych im. Profesora Roberta Zajonca koordynującym realizację projektu, na który Uniwersytet Warszawski uzyskał finansowanie z Narodowej Agencji Wymiany Akademickiej (NAWA) w programie Akademickie Partnerstwa Międzynarodowe.
Środki z tego programu zostaną przeznaczone na budowę sieci badawczej, w skład której wejdą ośrodki naukowe z Francji (EHSS w Paryżu oraz Uniwersytet Strasburski), Niemiec (Uniwersytet Boński), Norwegii (Uniwersytet w Oslo), Włoch (Uniwersytet Boloński) i Polski (UW). Ze strony Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w budowę sieci zaangażuje się Instytut Studiów Społecznych im. Profesora Roberta Zajonca wraz z Instytutem Socjologii.
Głównym zadaniem sieci badawczej będzie rozwijanie paradygmatu relacyjnego w naukach społecznych.
Więcej informacji na stronie UW.

Myths, Memories and Economies: Post-Socialist Transformations in Comparison

9th Genealogies of Memory International Conference 28-30 October 2019, Warsaw University Library
Johanna Bockman, The Other Washington Consensus: Remembering Socialism in Washington, DC
Adam Mrozowicki, Coping with System Change: the ‘Grand History’ of Transformation and Biographical Experiences of Polish Workers 
Thomas Lindenberger, Transformation through Unification = Unification through Transformation? Regimes of Truth and the Discontent of Memories in the German Transformation Regime
Martin Schulze Wessel, Universalist and Particularist Policy Legitimations in the Transformation Period
James Mark, Bogdan Iacob, Tobias Rupprecht, From Socialist Internationalism to Capitalist Globalisation and Beyond 
Organisers: European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
Partners: Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw; Institute for Contemporary History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; University of Exeter; Leverhulme Trust; Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe.
Full programme

Fulbright visiting researcher w Instytucie
Socjologii UW

mossrRachel Merrill Moss is a doctoral candidate in the Interdisciplinary PhD program in Theatre and Drama at Northwestern University, USA and a 2018-2019; 2019-2020 Fulbright grantee to Poland, where she is affiliated with the Department of Sociology of Culture, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw (faculty associate – prof. Elżbieta Hałas).
She holds a BA in Theatre from the University of California, Santa Cruz and an MA in Theatre History and Criticism from CUNY Brooklyn College. Her dissertation examines a variety of stage and public performances in Poland, specifically exploring shifting performed representations of Jewishness from the interwar period to post-soviet era, in conversation with changing modes of national identity formation and memory work.
Rachel M. Moss has presented work at the American Society for Theatre Research, Association for Theatre in Higher Education, and the Polish-Jewish Studies Working Group and she was the 2017-2018 Vice President of the Graduate Student Caucus of ASTR. She has publications in the Journal of American Drama and Theatre and the edited collection Women on the Yiddish Stage.

Call for Nominations

The European Peter H. Rossi Award
for Scientific or Practice Contributions to Causal Research
and Evaluation in Europe

The University of Maryland is pleased to announce this Call for Nominations for the recently institutionalized European Peter H. Rossi Award, to be awarded biennially beginning in 2020. The award recognizes scientific or practice contributions to causal research and evaluation in support of the advancement of public policy in Europe or elsewhere.
All nominating materials must be received by 3 February 2020.
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